Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file (text file), a tracker, placed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.…) when you visit a website, read an email, install or use software or a mobile application etc.… Cookies are used to collect information on how you use the website and therefore personalise your experience.

This policy has been designed to provide you with all the necessary information on how we use the cookies, as well as the data collected by them.

This policy is subject to change at any time, particularly when there are changes to regulations and/or practices relating to cookies.

Managing cookies

To manage your cookie consent settings and find more information about the cookies present on our website, please view the Axeptio module.

Click here to change your cookie settings.

A list of the categories of cookies used on this website is set out below:

Technical cookies that are strictly necessary for the efficient operation of the site (required)

These cookies are deposited to guarantee the correct use of the site’s functionalities and services. They may also be essential to access personalised content or respond to a user’s specific request to use a particular function provided by the site.

Functionality cookies

These cookies are deposited to support additional functionality on the site. They may be deposited by us, or by third parties who provide services used on the site.

Statistical cookies

These cookies are used to generate statistics on the site’s volume of visits. The analysis of these statistics enables us to continually improve the user experience.

Data collected by cookies

The following data is collected by cookies:

How long does a cookie last?

The cookies have a lifespan on your device of a maximum of thirteen months.
The data collected by the cookies is retained for a maximum of twenty-five months from the time it is collected on your device.